Well, what a lovely weekend's weather! The sun has shone for two straight days and out of the wind it's downright hot. I worked up quite a sheen this morning preparing my latest container. This is a long, thin plastic number that will be the proud home for all my little spring onion and spinach crops. The container needed some drainage holes in its bottom, cue WH swearing vociferously at the hand drill we bought a few months ago as he tried to get a bit in....
Anyway, once the holes were drilled, I filled the bottom of the container with some free polystyrene blocks (from Homebase), then some multi-purpose compost with a handful of organic feed mixed in (NB all the compost referred to in this blog is peat-free). I then created three fairly deep drills, and sowed two with my respective spring onion seeds (shimonita and lilia) and the third with the spinach seed. I then covered it all with a layer of lovely vermiculite (a terror to apply when its windy!) and watered in.
The garlic is shooting up now and the salad crop I started off last week is already producing some tiny leaves. I added another sowing to the container and also shook in some rocket seed - can't remember where this came from, but it could have been free with my Thompson & Morgan seeds at the beginning of the year ...
The seeds I pricked out two weeks ago are looking strong and I'll probably fill some more pots next week with the last of the basil and parsley(?) seedlings. Sadly for the tomatoes, we're at 14 days and still no sign of germination. I've now resorted to giving them a hot water bottle (in lieu of a heat mat) which I'm changing morning and evening - perhaps not a constant supply of heat, but presumably better than nothing and fingers crossed that something starts to happen!
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Just a quick one
Just a quick post to note my recent gardening activities. In the last two weeks I have:
Well watch this space for more news - I'm trying not to worry about those tomato seeds....
- planted my tomato seeds. Legend, Gardeners Delight and Moneymaker have all been sown into single module seed trays. I sprinkled a couple of seeds per unit onto compost mixed with organic feed and then covered with a layer of vermiculite. There hasn't been any sign of germination yet, so I've moved the tray into our upstairs front room, to see if more heat from the radiator helps things along!
- potted up some of the very sturdy looking herb seedlings. I feel a bit more secure that I've got the knack for this now - I did some this afternoon, paying particular attention to some of the seeds that are really leggy, immersing them right down into the compost - apparently their stems will make additional root systems now that I've buried them
- sown my first mixed salad seeds. These went straight outside into a wooden container filled with compost mixed with organic feed and watered. I sowed a couple of drills (furrows) and will add more each week now until the seeds are finished so that we get continual crops (fingers crossed)
Well watch this space for more news - I'm trying not to worry about those tomato seeds....
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